Muslims crucify a dog and a cat to a cross in Malta – in earmarked Islamic territory
This is the suspicious effect of Muslim immigration.
A dog was found crucified (crucifixion=șalb) and hanging up side down from a cross at the Rotunda in Mosta, Malta. Later a cat was also found crucified and hanging up side down from the cross on St Philip’s statue, also in Mosta. The police have found several similar cases of crucified animals “in recent years” (2011). Haven’t we all had a rapid escalation of unique crimes “in recent years” that is usually found in Islamic societies. Malta had a mass-asylum influx of over 3,000 Muslim last year alone. And they will only keep coming.
What does this crucifixion of animals mean? It means “you” are next. “We’re coming to take you (Christians) down”. Although police arrested a mentally ill man in 2011, Frangisku Buhagiar, for killing his own sister and additionally accused him of the first crucifixion of an animal – Buhagiar denied killing the animal although he eventually admitted killing his own sister. The dhimmi people of Malta, who seriously need to wake up to reality, automatically accepted that he was behind the killing of the animals, although the murders continued again and again even when the man was in prison.
Malta is a former British colony in the Mediterranean Sea was under Islamic occupation between AD 870 and 1090 when it was liberated by the Norman Kingdom of Sicily. Muslims still regard it as Islamic territory and want to re-occupy it and (eventually, when they are the majority or have it in control) force everyone to convert, pay jizya or die. This is why they are pouring into Malta, Italy, Greece and Spain in massive numbers. It’s the exact same method that enabled Egyptian and Saudi jihadi’s to occupy Gaza and then claim it their “lost land”.
The future Muslim occupation of Europe to turn the entire world into a singular Islamic state is an endless topic in the Arab world. The expansion began with the Arab Spring and has become more passionate the more Muslims are able to mass immigrate into Europe, whether illegally or as feigned ‘asylum’ seekers. In Sweden investigations had shown that over 95% of asylum applicants were not really in need of asylum and were based on lies.
The native population is devoutly Catholic and speak Maltese, which is Latinised Arabic. [Thanks to all who sent this in and to Chris AW]
Dog and cat crucified in Mosta
[Google translate] by John Pisani | iNews, Malta | 03.02.2014

The police was notified that an animal had been tied to a cross, killed and hanged. The dog was found tied upside down attached to a cross.

The same slaughtered style of killing has been found of several cats and dogs in recent years.

(The mosque in Paola is within 10km/20 minutes distance of Mosta. It’s the only mosque on the Island.
[Google translate] A few minutes later near a statue of St. Philip Street, near the main door of the Rotunda, the police found a slaughtered cat. The cat, like the dog earlier, was hanging upside down tied to a cross made of wood.
Both crimes were reported to the magistrate Carol Peralta who ordered an inquiry. Police from the patrol led by Superintendent Martin Sammut, the Inspector Sandra Zammit, Mr Emmanuel Sammut and agent Antonio Constable Belizzi, began to investigate the case immediately.

Ritratti: John Pisani / Roger Azzopardi – Filmat: Roger Azzopardi
The Qur’an makes crucifixion a part of Islamic law.
In Surah 7:124, Firaun (Arabic for Pharaoh) says that he will crucify his chief wizards. Also, Surah 12:41 mentions Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) prophesying that the king (the current ruler of the land he was stranded in) would crucify one of his prisoners.
- ‘And the wizards fell down prostrate, crying: “We believe in the Lord of the Worlds, The Lord of Musa and Harun”. Firaun said: “Ye believe in Him before I give you leave! Lo! this is the plot that ye have plotted in the city that ye may drive its people hence. But ye shall come to know! Surely I shall have your hands and feet cut off upon alternate sides. Then I shall crucify you every one.”‘ Surah 7:120-124
- ‘O my two fellow-prisoners! As for one of you, he will pour out wine for his lord to drink; and as for the other, he will be crucified so that the birds will eat from his head. Thus is the case judged concerning which ye did inquire.’ Surah 12:41
In Surah 5:33, The Qur’an mentions crucifixion as a form of punishment. There are four different punishments for the different severities of crime. Crucifixion is the punishment for the robber who kills his victim after robbing him.
- ‘The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.’ Surah 5:33
Crucifixion was in use by the Umayyads.
Animal abuse is extreme from the muslim community across Europe. Crucifying animals and people is the ultimate punishment or message from Muslims of their discontent and hatred of the kafir:

Muslims in Nigeria crucify a cat.

Muslim in Sweden torture, decapitate and skin a cat.

Muslims crucify a man in Yemen for U.S. sympathies. And in Egypt crucifixion is acknowledged as a form of punishment by Salafis. Al Qaeda has often been crucifying and beheading people.

People crucified in Iran. Theoretically, crucifixion is still one of the Hadd punishments in Iran. If a crucified person were to survive three days of crucifixion, that person would be allowed to live. Execution by hanging is described as follows: “In execution by hanging, the prisoner will be hung on a hanging truss which should look like a cross, while his (her) back is toward the cross, and (s)he faces the direction of Mecca [in Saudi Arabia], and his (her) legs are vertical and distant from the ground.”

Crucifixion of Christians or persons termed kafirs have happened in many Muslim majority countries within the past few years, in a new wave of Islamic persecution of minorities.

Several people have been executed by crucifixion in Saudi Arabia in the 2000s, although on occasion they were first beheaded and then crucified. Most recently, in March 2013, a robber was set to be executed by being crucified for three days.
Sudan’s penal code, based upon the government’s interpretation of shari’a, includes execution followed by crucifixion as a penalty. When, in 2002, 88 people were sentenced to death for crimes relating to murder, armed robbery, and participating in ethnic clashes, Amnesty International wrote that they could be executed by either hanging or crucifixion.
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