mardi 11 mars 2014


Esattamente tre anni fa, i terroristi palestinesi brutalmente pugnalato tre bambini ei loro genitori mentre dormiva nella loro casa di Itamar. In quel giorno, abbiamo pianto la morte di Ruth, Udi, Yoav, Elad e Hadas Fogel. Oggi onoriamo la loro memoria.

Foto: Exactly three years ago, Palestinian terrorists brutally stabbed three young children and their parents as they lay sleeping in their home in Itamar. On that day, we mourned the deaths of Ruth, Udi, Yoav, Elad and Hadas Fogel. Today, we honor their memory.

Exactly three years ago, Palestinian terrorists brutally stabbed three young children and their parents as they lay sleeping in their home in Itamar. On that day, we mourned the deaths of Ruth, Udi, Yoav, Elad and Hadas Fogel. Today, we honor their memory. — com Şemuel Benşuşan.

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